Vereeuwiging (Immortalized)
Vereeuwiging (Immortalized)
135 x 165 cm
This project presents a unique blanket made from small porcelain tiles. Each tile began as a carefully knitted or crocheted cotton patch, then dipped in porcelain, dried and fired. The result is a delicate, yet durable structure in which the essence of the handwork can still be seen and felt. This blanket represents not only safety, warmth, love and comfort, but also the special bond between the artist and her mother, who knit and crochet together every evening under a blanket. The artist learned this skill from her mother, who in turn learned it as a young girl from her own mother, and she in turn from her own mother. The title “Immortalization” refers to capturing this tradition and skill of handwork. Through the use of porcelain, this symbolism is literally and figuratively set in stone